Date(s) - 02/06/2024
12:00 - 13:00
Parochiekerk Joannes de Doper Hoofddorp
English Holy Mass
Every Sunday 12:00 pm
Every 2nd and 4th Sunday the Filipino Community FCCN-H is supporting the English Mass
Kapel Joannes de Doper kerk Hoofddorp
Chappel in the Parish House
Praying the Rosary
English – Every Wednesday at 7:30 pm
Eucharistia en Español / Spanish Holy Mass
Every first Sunday of the month at 2:00 pm
Intentions for Prayer during the English mass
You can submit your personal intentions for prayer during masses online via this page on our website.
Eucharistic Adoration and Mass (dutch)
Every first Friday of the month at 11:00 am in our church
Christmas Eve English Holy Mass
11:30 pm with joined choirs International Choir of St. John the Baptist and Indonesian Choir Maranatha.